Overview: Seniors' Pairs Open (Stableford, Qualifying under certain conditions) for Men over 55 on the day of the competition, played in teams of 2 from the 60 tees over 18 holes. The highest stableford score per pair, per hole is added to form the team total.
Entry: Enter via dedicated competition startsheet. Please ensure that you populate your team in its entirety, substitutions can be made at a later date. Sign-up closes one week ahead of the competition date.
Entry Requirements: Restricted to golfers who are members of recognised golf clubs and who have a current WHS ID and Handicap Index. iGolf members are not permitted to enter Bristol & Clifton Golf Club Open Competitions at this time. There is no Maximum Handicap Index for entry but please note that the Maximum Playing Handicap is 28. Golfers with a higher playing handicap may play off 28.
Entry Fees: Non-members £45.00, B&C Members £15.00. Bristol & Clifton Golf Club members should log into the Members' Area of this website and enter Opens from within. Members including Non-Members in their team must tick the appropriate "optional" additional entry fee to ensure the correct entry fee is charged. The entry fee, paid via debit/credit card, must be paid to secure competition entry. No refund will be given for withdrawals made after the sign-up closes.
Prizes: One Division, prizes to five places. Prizes for Nearest the Pin on all par 3's.
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