Overview: Adult & Junior Open (Betterball Stableford, Qualifying in certain conditions) for Men and Women played in teams of 2 from the 60 (Men & Boys) & 57 (Women & Girls) tees over 18 holes.
Entry: Enter via dedicated competition startsheet. Please ensure that you populate your team in its entirety, substitutions can be made at a later date. Sign-up closes one week ahead of the competition date.
Entry Requirements: Restricted to golfers who are members of recognised golf clubs and who have a current WHS ID and Handicap Index. iGolf members are not permitted to enter at this time. Maximum Playing Handicap is 36. Players may play if their playing handicap calculation exceeds this, but they play to the maximum playing handicap allowance.
Entry Fees: £40.00 per pair. The entry fee must be paid before sign-up closes. No refund will be given for withdrawals made after the sign-up closes.
Prizes: One Division, number and value of prizes based on number of entries. Leading B&C pair will be awarded the Roche-Mitchell Cup.
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