96 players have been signed up for this competition as of 10:29 PM Thursday 21st November
Jeff Anderson (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
Stephanie Anderson (Bath Golf Club) |
Colin Baber (Westonbirt) |
Stephen Ball (Henbury Golf Club) |
Tracey Ball (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Steve Bamforth (Nene Park) |
Jane Bell (14.2) |
Peter Bell (14.9) |
JIM BLAND (Alexander Park Resort) |
VAL BLAND (Alexander Park Resort) |
Jane Boyle (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Niall Boyle (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Rosie Boyle (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Helen Broadbridge (Burghill Valley Golf Club) |
Robert Broadbridge (Burghill Valley Golf Club) |
Alison Brooks (17.4) |
Kate Brown (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Steve Brown (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Nevil Chesterfield (24.1) |
Sue Cole (Monmouthshire Golf Club) |
Amanda Cooper (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Catherine Davies (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Mike Davies (Manor House Golf Club) |
Pete Davis (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Rachel Davis (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Heather Earl (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Simon Earl (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Trudy Feltham (Chippenham Golf Club) |
Sue Finch (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Susan Fisher (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Julia French (Gerrards Cross Golf Club) |
Bet Gazzard (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
John Gazzard (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
Sandra Gibbs (20.6) |
Chris Goodliff (Westonbirt) |
Paul Griffee (8.1) |
Bethan Griffith (Creigiau Golf Club) |
Iwan G Griffith (Llanishen) |
JENNY GRIFFITHS (Westonbirt) |
Kerry Gwyther (Saltford Golf Club) |
Teresa Gwyther (Saltford Golf Club) |
Elizabeth Hale (17.3) |
Terry Hale (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Glenda Hanmer (Henbury Golf Club) |
Peter Harris (Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club) |
Alan Holland (19.9) |
Angela Holland (22.8) |
STEPHANIE HOPES (Westonbirt) |
Steve Iles (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Eddie Jenkinson (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Philip Jones (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Roderick Jones (13.0) |
Sue Jones (33.3) |
Birgitte Karle (Old Fold Manor) |
Nao Kato (Shirehampton Park Golf Club) |
Trish King (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Christine Lewis (Chesham & Ley Hill) |
Gary Lewis (Tiverton Golf Club) |
Jackie Lewis (Tickenham Golf Club) |
Julie Lewis (Tiverton Golf Club) |
Richard Lewis (Chesham & Ley Hill) |
Sean Lewis (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
David Mann (2.2) |
Angela MARSHFIELD (Tickenham Golf Club) |
Jon Marshfield (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Linda Moore (Enmore Park Golf Club) |
Simon Moore (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Ben Morris-French (14.7) |
Peter Muddiman (14.3) |
Brian Parish (18.5) |
Mary Parrott (15.9) |
Michael Parrott (28.7) |
Chris Peacock (Peterborough Milton) |
Dave Pearce (Manor House Golf Club) |
Sandra Pearce (Manor House Golf Club) |
Chuleekorn Poole (13.6) |
Michael Poole (16.6) |
Jeanne Powell (North Wilts Golf Club) |
Rupert Pridham (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
Richard Roberts (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Paul Scholfield (Tiverton Golf Club) |
Taryna Scholfield (Tiverton Golf Club) |
Sajid Shah (The Rolls of Monmouth) |
Seon Young Oh Shah (The Rolls of Monmouth) |
Jane Simpson (Henbury Golf Club) |
Peter Simpson (13.5) |
David Stamenkovic (Creigiau Golf Club) |
Jackie Stamenkovic (Creigiau Golf Club) |
Dawn Stanhope (Redditch) |
Nick Stanhope (Vale) |
Kim Thompson (10.8) |
Rosie Thompson (25.7) |
Alan Turnell (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Michelle Weare (Henbury Golf Club) |
Paul Weare (Henbury Golf Club) |
Julie Wyatt (19.7) |