98 players have been signed up for this competition as of 3:46 PM Friday 22nd November
Christopher Alden (Shirehampton Park Golf Club) |
Chris Alphonsus (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Jeff Anderson (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
Stephanie Anderson (Bath Golf Club) |
CHRISTINE BAKER (Tall Pines Golf Club) |
Stephen Ball (Henbury Golf Club) |
Tracey Ball (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Ceinwen Bell (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
Jane Bell (14.2) |
Peter Bell (14.9) |
Rosie Boyle (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Jane Bridgeman (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Mark Bridgeman (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Mariella Buchanan (-0.2) |
Neil Buchanan (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Fran Chegwidden (Wellow Golf Club) |
David Clements (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Sally Clements (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Amanda Cooper (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Julie Cruickshank (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Willie Cruickshank (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Penny Crymble (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Catherine Davies (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Claire Davies (Southerndown Golf Club) |
I Davies (Southerndown Golf Club) |
Mike Davies (Manor House Golf Club) |
VICTORIA DAVIES (Whitchurch (Cardiff) Golf Club) |
Valerie de Lancey (Henbury Golf Club) |
Bernie Donoghue (Broadway Golf Club) |
Deborah Donoghue (Vale) |
Julie England (Churchill & Blakedown) |
Lynsey Forsythe (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Bet Gazzard (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
John Gazzard (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
Neville Gibson (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Sue Gibson (Henbury Golf Club) |
Helen Gorham (20.6) |
Ian Gorham (7.0) |
Paul Griffee (8.1) |
Joanna Griffin (Donnington Grove Country Club Golf Club) |
Tom Griffin (9.9) |
Terry Hale (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Mark Hewlett (Tall Pines Golf Club) |
Taylor Hodgson (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Chris Howles (Churchill & Blakedown) |
Philip Jones (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Sue Jones (33.3) |
Caroline Kelly (Southerndown Golf Club) |
Julian Kelly (Southerndown Golf Club) |
Trish King (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Martin de Lancey (Henbury Golf Club) |
Chris Lea (Churchill & Blakedown) |
Marie Lea (Churchill & Blakedown) |
Lesley Lee (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
Trevor Lee (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
Jackie Lewis (Tickenham Golf Club) |
Sean Lewis (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Rhona MacDonald (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
David Mann (2.2) |
Neil Martin (Broadway Golf Club) |
Pat Martin (Broadway Golf Club) |
Katie McConochie (11.7) |
Linda Moore (Enmore Park Golf Club) |
Simon Moore (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Peter Muddiman (14.3) |
Ian Paling (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
Sebastian Poccard (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
Chuleekorn Poole (13.6) |
Michael Poole (16.6) |
Mike Prince (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
Tania Prince (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
Andy Rudge (-0.4) |
Ian Ryley (Dinas Powis) |
Lisa Ryley (Dinas Powis) |
Cheryl Senior (Broadway Golf Club) |
John Senior (Broadway Golf Club) |
Christopher Spiller (2.2) |
Paul Stephens (Isle of Wedmore) |
Rob Stephens (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
Sally Stephens (Isle of Wedmore) |
Sarah Stephens (Minchinhampton Golf Club) |
Lynn Thornton (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
Robin Thornton (Kingsdown Golf Club) |
James Titley (Broadway Golf Club) |
Janice Titley (Broadway Golf Club) |
Ian Turnbull (12.5) |
Alan Turnell (Marlborough Golf Club) |
Jacqueline Wall (34.2) |
Angela Watts (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Michelle Weare (Henbury Golf Club) |
Paul Weare (Henbury Golf Club) |
David Windebank (Henbury Golf Club) |
David Winsor (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Julie Winsor (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Richard Wood (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Barbara Wrigley (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
John Wrigley (16.3) |
Julie Wyatt (19.7) |